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We support the Alianzas para la Reconciliación Program by ACDI/VOCA, funded by USAID, in the development of the DecidoSer pedagogical toolkit, a compendium of methodologies, pieces, and didactic elements in both physical and digital formats, designed for the development and enhancement of 15 skills for social change.

This project presented us with two challenges: designing a user-friendly and interactive experience that facilitates experiential learning processes in both in-person and virtual environments and developing a visually rich concept with variations in composition, colour, and graphics that convey the personality and values of DecidoSer.

– User experience (UX) design – User interface (UI) design – Usability – Visual development – Illustration – Editorial design – Packaging design




ILLUSTRATION Andrea Castro Naranjo

  • 01
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  • Concéntrese
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